Thursday, April 14, 2011

The real workspace

While it's lovely looking at beautifully styled studio shots surely they're just that, beautifully styled. Hours are spent cleaning, rearranging and adjusting the lighting to create the perfect shot. Am I wrong? It can't be what they look like all the time! well mine sure doesn't.

Which is why i'm relieved that UPPERCASE is calling for submissions of messy studio spaces for their next issue, hooray! I feel like my fabric and cotton covered carpet may be a real contender! while I do try and vacum it all up and keep it clean, when i'm working it always seems to end up like this!

This is just a small snippet of my current space, you can submit a photo of your messy workspace here

I can't wait to see where everyone is really creating


1 comment:

  1. Love your messy space!! It means you've been creating! Happy week!!
