Thursday, December 9, 2010

three six five

So i've never really had a new years resolution, well never one that i've thought that hard about, nor one that's lasted. So why start now? this isn't a new years resolution but it's a new outlook on life-resolution, something that I hope will remind me of the life discoveries I have made recently and something I hope will help me to continue making them.

This is it. . . 365.
365 days, 365 thoughts, quotes, patterns, drawings, letters, colours, or whatever I come across on that particular day.
A huge challenge, and one that I hope to stick to! It's not a new year resolution, because they never last, and because it begins today December the 9th! It's a life resolution which i'm very excited about.

Now that I have told all of you about it I'm going to have to stick to it, aren't I?


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