I arrived at The Museum of Contemporary art at Circular Quay bright and early on Saturday morning for a full day conference which was organised and hosted by our Etsy Community manager Angela D'Alton.
After meeting Angela at Finders Keepers in Melbourne recently I realised that Etsy was making some huge leaps to support the Australian community of Etsy sellers. I learnt that they don't only have a Sydney office they have just opened one in Melbourne too! As well as these new support crews they've formed down under Etsy also sent out a few members of their team all the way from Brooklyn! Including CEO Chad Dickenson, Danielle Mavel ( always introduced as THE Danielle) . To me it was amazing to see that Etsy was providing all of this support to us so I felt like the least I could do was make the trip across the country to go and see what they all had to say!
Angela and the team at Etsy AU really did organize a fabulous day with amazing catering and a phenomenal view
The day started with an awesome delegate bag
a cup of tea
and Chad's famous speech which he first presented at Etsy Success in Berlin called "Finding your Courage" he shared his story and his journey to being the CEO of Etsy and his tips for us crafters. A few words he summed up his inspirational talk with were . . .
Start. Persist. Make mistakes. Be true to yourself.
Another tip Chad spoke about
Following the introductions, the girls from
Tmod shared ideas on turning your creative business into a viable one. They were hilarious and gave us some great laughs, some party hats and shared these great tips and inspired us all:
Tmod's formula to having a viable business!
Everyone enjoying their party hats!
Etsy Success was so huge I'm going to split the post :) Tomorrow I'll share part two of Etsy Success including some tips from Top Etsy Sellers and what to do if you're ever sending an e-mail to Jo Walker from Frankie Magazine!
Catch you then