So the jelly dounut worked! Which was so exciting and the birthday girl LOVED it :)
It tasted like rasberry splice, who wouldn't love that?
Here she is below demonstrating the jiggle factor :)
Happy Birthday Alex, Love you Xx
ok so it's my best friend Alex's birthday today, and i thought i would make something extra special to celebrate tonight!
So last night i spent 4 hours stiring, waiting, warming, cooling and carefully pouring. . . in hope of making something that looks even half as amazing as this.

I have no idea if it has worked, and will not know until I take it out of the tin at the party tonight, so i'm either going to be left with something spectacular or a giant pile of jiggling failure. . .
Will you all please cross your fingers for me?

These knitted stools were created by designer from London Claire-Anne O’Brien.
Very cool don't you think?
I have enrolled in a two day screen printing course at Harvest Textiles in Melbourne next month and i'm very excited about it!
I've always had a thing for patterns, as well as drawing miscelanious shapes I can't wait to learn how to repeat my patterns and then print them on fabric, eeep! :) 
I recently bought a camera which is actually smaller than my mobile phone, I carry it with me at all times for moments like this . . .
Take time to look up from the streets which seem to get more and more crowded everyday.
So do you remember my juice glass collection?
Here are a couple of exciting new editions that were hunted down by my lovely parents in Coffs Harbour, NSW.
The broke the bank paying 10c for one and 50c for the other. But they're beautiful! 
The tiny one with the oranges is my favorite to dateXx