It has arrived at a perfect time - I've decided I want to start reading more - I want to read anything really but I can imagine it will mostly be magazines one of my loves, I figure there isn't much point in reading if you don't enjoy it and I thoroughly enjoy reading magazines! I have my own magazine, did you know that? It's gone SO much further than I could have ever imagined! I promise to blog about it soon!

This is my current reading pile sitting next to my bed. . . oh love Xx there just aren't enough nights in a week!
Yesterday I was in MagNation in Melbourne - I had some time to kill before work and I love that place, it smells like freshly ground coffee and is a magazine wonderland! (I also secretly like smelling fresh magazines straight off the press - I think thats part of being a designer though. . . I swear i'm not strange I know of other people that do it too! ) Anyway I came across a mag that I haven't seen before called Extra curricular which comes out of New Zealand and was very exciting!

It's about the growing craft movement that is happening (mostly after hours) - An article by Rachel Ogier in the current Spring 2010 issue made me giggle, here is the first bit. . .

"If all you're focused on is the end product, there's not a lot of point in mastering book binding or jam making (two of mt favorite pastimes) With a lot of effort and no little expense you'll end up with some jam which looks and tastes like jam from a store. Good for you. Well done. What on earth was the point of that?
We make craft because it feels good. But more and more research is suggesting that craft is good for your health as well. Not the end product - no one needs that much jam - but something about the process."
I completely agree its definitely about the process - the craft that we do is generally not cost effective, and it takes so much time! and you often end up with things with no purpose or that you could have purchased. However there is something about craft that just makes people like me happy, so why question it?

I'd encourage you all to get it and read on if its your thing, oh and it's a limited edition print run of 1000 and i'm number 181 ;)
So I'm off to continue my reading tangent, I hope you have a lovely night too!
p.s I apologise for my dodgy photos but it's night time and as it's winter I don't get much daylight after work!
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